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Henan Weiye Group's First BT Project -Xinzhuang Village to Town Merging Project Signing Ceremony Held Successfully

2012-11-01No. of Hits:1488Author:www.weiyekg.com

  After rounds of communication and negotiation for over one month between Henan Weiye Group and Yangjin Industrial Park in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, signing ceremony for village to town merging project, led by People's Government of Jinshui District of Zhengzhou and Management Committee of New Science and Education of Jinshui District, was held in the meeting room of Qingshuiyuan Branch Company of Henan Tiandi Hotel in Yangjin Industrial Park on Oct 27, 2012. On the site of the signing ceremony, Henan Weiye Group was acted as signatory representative of five construction enterprises, and the contract text of remaining four construction enterprises will follow the format of the Group.

10 senior officers, including Chen Zhiyong, COO of Weiye Holdings, Song Fulin, Regional President of Henan Weiye Group, Ma Wei, Zhang Kai and Chen Yuemei, Vice President of Henan Weiye Group, Dong Chaoxing, General Manager of Project Management Center, Li Zhi, General Manager of Project Reserves Center, Zhao Juncai, EVP of Marketing Service Center, and others attended the signing ceremony; near 40 other attendants including Zheng Haodong, Secretary of Jinshui District CPC Committee, Chen Hongwei, Head of Jinshui District, Ding Shengquan, Standing Commissioner of Jinshui District CPC Committee and Director of Jinshui District CPC Committee Office, related units of Jinshui District, Yangjin Sub-district Office, villagers' delegates of Yangjin Village, and representatives of enterprises engaging in construction of other four villages attended; the meeting was chaired by Ding Shengquan, Standing Commissioner of Jinshui District CPC Committee and Director of Jinshui District CPC Committee Office.

Mr. Chen Zhiyong, COO of Weiye Holdings Ltd, delivered an important address at the signing ceremony, and Song Fulin, Regional President of Henan Weiye Group, signed the Cooperation Agreement on behalf of the Group.

  The village to town merging project of Jinshui District involves five villages, namely, Xu Zhaung, Malin, Hecun, Yanghuai and Xinzhuang, to be constructed respectively by five developers of Henan Jintai Property Co., Ltd, Henan Dongfang Yuyi Property Co., Ltd, Henan Aike Industries Development Co., Ltd, Henan State Affordable Housing Construction Investment Co., Ltd and Henan Weiye Construction Development Group Limited; Vanke Group, one of the top-2 real estate giants in China, established a strategic cooperation with Henan State Affordable Housing Construction Investment Co., Ltd for engaging in the village to town merging project. The signing ceremony was highly valued by officials in Jinshui District, Zheng Haodong, Secretary of Jinshui District CPC Committee, and Chen Hongwei, Head of Jinshui District highly praised Henan Weiye Group on the scene; Henan Weiye Group is the only construction contractor of domestic listed enterprise, which has completed all interfacing tasks within one month, full manifestation of efficient work style, good business reputation and strong corporate strength; also, various government departments of Jinshui District were called for proactive services, doing everything possible to facilitate handing procedures, auxiliary services and implementing policy in favor of construction unit, and delivering all services, to drive construction pace of village to town merging project of Jinshui District with joint efforts.

The site of Xinzhuang village to town merging project is located in the middle of the north section of Yanjin Road, Yangjin Industrial Park, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, Zhongzhou Avenue and Auxiliary Road 107, where it's 2km from Longhu of Zhengdong New Area, with prominent geographical advantage and tremendous development potential; 700-mu raw land will be reserved for Henan Weiye Group, which is its first BT project of significant implication to the development of the Group in the coming years. We're determined and confident to create a classic project, making it a sample of village to town merging project in Zhengzhou and even in Henan.

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