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A Mission Led by Zhang Wei, Board Chairman of Weiye Holdings, Investigated and Guided Work at Collaborative Industry Company Limited Shanghai Branch

2013-06-07No. of Hits:1152Author:www.weiyekg.com

  On June 06, Mr. Zhang Wei, Chairman of Weiye Holdings Ltd, accompanied by Mr. Hong Junli, CAO of the Weiye Holdings Ltd, visited Collaborative Industry Company Limited Shanghai Branch affiliated to Weiye Holdings Ltd for business study, made a field visit and investigation of Shanghai Shinelong Ventilation Equipment Co., Ltd, a long-term auxiliary supplier of Weiye Holdings Ltd.

   Collaborative Industry Company Limited is a high-tech enterprise affiliated to Weiye Holdings Ltd, which is mainly engaged in research and development, production and distribution of marine fireproof valves, equipment of air clean room and civil air-conditioning equipment. In particular, marine fireproof valves (Used for marine oil drilling platform and shipbuilding enterprises) and equipment of air clean room (Used for electronics and medicine producers) have been approved with multiple patent technologies in Singapore.

  After field visit and investigation, Chairman Zhang gave advises to business development of Collaborative Industry Company Limited Shanghai Branch in the future, and urged the company to properly grasp market development direction, keep up with the times by exploration and innovation. Presently, hazy weather haunts in North China region, with substantial over-limit of PM2.5 value. Zhang calls for Collaborative Industry Company Limited to develop indoor equipment of air clean room to address the worsening air pollution as soon as possible, and be sued in domestic civil building and commercial development projects. This market has vast space of development, Weiye Holdings Ltd will make full use of domestic governmental and industrial resources, to create conditions and fully support domestic business development of Collaborative Industry Company Limited. Also, Zhang asked all senior executives of Weiye Holdings Ltd to mobilize their available resources to support the development of Collaborative Industry Company Limited Shanghai Branch.

  During the visit and investigation, Zhang exchanged ideas on business development with Guo Chongjiu, General Manager of Shanghai Branch, and guided and settled existing business problems. The management of Shanghai Branch appreciated filed instruction by the leader of Weiye Holdings, and expressed their determination and confidence to working hard for corporate development.

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