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2014 Annual Meeting of Henan Weiye Group Concluded Successfully

2014-01-17No. of Hits:1470Author:www.weiyekg.com

  To further summarize fulfillment of various works and commend model workers in 2013, publish work plan of 2014 to all employees, and demonstrate construction achievement of various teams of Henan Weiye Group, 2014 Annual Meeting of Weiye Henan Group was held at Huanghe Hotel on Jan 27, 2014; more than 300 attendants, including Zhang Wei, Chairman, Song Fulin, CEO of Weiye Holdings Ltd cum Regional President of Henan Weiye Group, Chen Zhiyong, COO of Weiye Holdings Ltd, Hong Junli, CAO of Weiye Holdings Ltd, Zhang Kai, Liu WeipingChen Yuemei and Zhang Mingliang, Vice President of Henan Weiye Group, Wang Zhangqun, Leader of Performance Assessment Group, and employees from various centers and city companies were present at the big event.

  In order to fully demonstrate working performance and achievement of 2013 in team construction of Henan Weiye Group, report work to Weiye Holdings' Board of Directors, and allow the employees to feel its "home culture", annual meeting of 2014 was divided into three parts, i.e., 2013 annual work summary and commendation meeting of Henan Weiye Group themed "initiation, harvest, breakthrough" in the morning; 2014 Happy New Year gala of Henan Weiye Group themed "youth, passion, dream" in the afternoon; and 2014 New Year feast of Henan Weiye Group themed "teamwork, sharing, thanksgiving" in the evening.

  At 8:45a.m., 2013 annual work summary and commendation meeting of Henan Weiye Group was started on time; all rose to their feet and national anthem played before the meeting, then, the video of "playback of major events of Henan Weiye Group 2013" was placed, which played back all major events and completion of all key milestones of various units affiliated to Henan Weiye Group in the year of 2013, the occasions were moving and thrilling; then, Chen Yuemei, Vice President of Henan Weiye Group delivered 2013 annual work summary report on behalf of CEO's Office.

  At 10:15a.m., Zhang Kai, Vice President of Henan Weiye Group delivered 2014 development plan report on behalf of CEO's Office.

  The annual summary meeting was ended with commendation and reward of excellent teams and individuals of 2013, with three individual titles of excellent employee, excellent manager and excellent officer, and two team titles of excellent team and team of special contribution; in addition, honorary credentials were issued to reverse cadres of 2014; all awards were issued by senior officers of Weiye Holdings and CEO's office, and prize presentation read out, all attendants were highly inspired.

  After presentation of awards at 11:20a.m., Zhang Wei, Chairman of Weiye Holdings, delivered passionate impromptu speech, for full recognition and warm congratulation to the performances of Henan Weiye Group in 2013, and encouraged all staffs to make persistent efforts, so as to make better performance in 2014.

  At 14:30p.m., 2014 Happy New Year gala of Henan Weiye Group was started, the performers worked hard to rehearse during off-duty time, and rendered an amazing feast of culture and arts. The jubilant party was composed of three chapters of "dancing youth, sharing passion, winning with Weiye", including 24 excellent programs such as dance, comedy, magic, cross talk, melodrama, singing, reciting, fashion show etc; the gala was more rich in content and higher in performance level than that of 2013; it's worth to note that all language programs were original, highlights and hot points of the gala, overall performance quality and effect were better than in 2013; the party was colorful, excited, applauded, charming in dancing, resounding in singing, and full of heartily laugh, representing high artistic level; the 3-hour and 45min performance hit a new record of New Year gala, showing versatility and charm of employees of Henan Weiye Group, and brilliantly exhibiting team construction achievements.

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