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Congratulations to the Fruitful Institutional Reform & 2016 Work Deployment Meeting of Weiye Holdings

2016-02-29No. of Hits:3776Author:www.weiyekg.com

 At 9:00a.m., Feb 28, 2016, Institutional Reform & 2016 Work Deployment Meeting of Weiye Holdings was kicked off at Tihome Vincent International Hotel Zhengzhou. More than 70 attendants, including Zhang Wei, Chairman of Weiye Holdings, Zhang Jingzeng, Special Senior Adviser, Song Fulin, CEO of Weiye Holdings Ltd, Chen Zhiyong, COO of Weiye Holdings Ltd, Tay Mengheng, CFO of Weiye Holdings Ltd, Dong Xincheng, Independent Director and other officers of Weiye Holdings Ltd, CEO's office of Weiye Holdings, together with senior executives from Henan and Hainan regional groups, were present; the meeting took 2.5 days, practical, efficient and richly fruitful; it's an event of internal reform and epoch-making significance of Weiye Holdings, which will drive its standard, efficient and fast development.

The meeting was started with CEO Song's review of 2015 work performance, in-depth and objective analysis and summary of work in 2015, and deployment of development plan of 2016; then, Board Chairman Zhang introduced Organization Institutional Reform Plan, stressed urgency and necessity of institutional reform, explained in detail the purpose and significance of such reform, and proposed "streamline administration and decentralization", and "judge competence and position by work outcome and performance"; after institutional reform, it'll practice "three-level management, two-level approval", to unify "responsibility, duty, right", and carry out "negative list management system"; Chairman Zhang's explanation of Project Partner System refreshed the minds of all attendants, paved a "wealth initiation plan development channel" for all employees in their career development planning, and the meeting room was boiled by the national pioneering incentive mechanism.

Group discussion of the attendants was performed for three schemes, senior executives, represented by Li Yang, Regional President of Hainan Weiye group, Hong Junli, Former Regional President of Henan Weiye group, Zhai Zhili, Acting Regional President of Henan Weiye group and Xia Zhihui, former Director of CEO's Office of Weiye Holdings, expressed their full support to the institutional reform plan! This reform campaign is very timely and features major transformation of management functions; reduction of hierarchy and point-to-point driving business will activate the potential and help increase work efficient of each employee; "negative list management system" is practical implementation of "streamline administration and decentralization", which will cause qualitative breakthrough in work efficiency in the future.

Mr. Zhang Wei, Chairman of Weiye Holdings Ltd, patiently explained and answered questions to attending senior executives, to enable them to comprehend the essence of reform document in a quick, comprehensive, thorough and profound manner.

On the third day of the meeting, documents on major personnel appointment and removal after reshuffling of Weiye Holdings Ltd were published; Zhang Wei, Chairman of Weiye Holdings Ltd gave letter of appointment and seal to four new presidents of Business Department; all newly appointed officers representing by CEO Song expressed their thanks to Chairman Zhang, confidence on their competence and determination for new job, to lead their teams to fulfill their mission, create more working achievement, and make positive contribution to Weiye Holdings Ltd.

Finally, Zhang Wei, Chairman of Weiye Holdings stressed that, all units affiliated to Weiye Holdings should exactly follow the guidelines of "standard, efficient, fast" in 2016, and continue to implement "streamline administration and decentralization", establish fast communication mechanism, completely eradicate "power grasping and neglect in administration", assess performance by figure and judge competence by working achievement, and expressed great expectation of better performance after the reform!

The meeting was concluded successfully amid roaring applauses!

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