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Reform Unveils New Atmosphere, Objective Motivates New Team Congratulations to Successful 2016 Operational Objective Oath-taking & Mobilization Meeting of Weiye Holdings

2016-03-15No. of Hits:3874Author:www.weiyekg.com

  In March, sunny and refreshing day in the spring, everything booms with vigor, at 17:00p.m., March 14, 2016, the 2016 Operational Objective Oath-taking & Mobilization Meeting of Weiye Holdings was successfully held in meeting room on 12F.

  New team, new atmosphere, new appearance, and new objective; this meeting was held timely under the general background of in-depth implementation of organization institutional reform of Weiye Holdings Ltd, with the aim to allow all units to identify their objective, establish firm confidence, push up spirit, and take quick action, to fulfill all business targets in 2016. More than 30 senior executives, including Song Fulin, CEO and President of Project Operation Department of Weiye Holdings Ltd, Chen Zhiyong, COO of Weiye Holdings Ltd and Head of Cost Design Department, Hong Junli, President of Administration Supervision Department, executives from CEO's Offices of Henan/Hainan regional groups, General Manager's Office of Henan regional group, attended the meeting; the meeting was chaired by Huang Tiqing, Director of Project Operation Center of Project Operation Department.

To start, the host declared core KPIs for all units for fulfilling 2016 operational objective of Weiye Holdings on behalf of Project Operation Department; then, heads of CEO's Offices of Henan/Hainan regional groups and all project companies declared their determination and confidence on fulfillment of assignments with full efforts.

Song Fulin, CEO of Weiye Holdings Ltd and Zhai Zhili, Acting Regional President of Henan Weiye group, signed the letter of responsibility for fulfillment of 2016 operational objective, which reflects great trust of Weiye Holdings Ltd and commitment of the team of Henan Weiye group; the letter of responsibility for fulfillment of 2016 operational objective to Hainan regional group will be delivered later by official mail, which will ensure signature and action in a timely manner.

During the meeting, Chen Zhiyong, COO of Weiye Holdings Ltd and Head of Cost Design Department and Hong Junli, President of Administration Supervision Department, gave important instructions on the problems likely to occur in the process of organization institutional reform, to urge all units involved for efficient execution and progress.

     Song Fulin, CEO and President of Project Operation Department of Weiye Holdings, stressed that, sales objective of Weiye Holdings Ltd in 2016 was ¥3.0 billion, a more challenging task than any previous years, of which Henan Weiye group, Hainan Weiye group and Project Operation Department were allocated ¥2.1 billion, 0.2 billion and ¥0.7 billion respectively; the sales objective of ¥3.0 billion was a new high in the development history of the Group. In this course, Henan regional group should take more responsibilities, proceed with all projects strictly by milestones, other units should also provide Project Operation Department with resources such as land information; objectives are established, the trumpet is sounded for battle, all employees should not make excuses, but identify the objective, pull out all stops and strive forward. Working with passion, passion and passion, and it'll certainly bring about fruitful outcome. Once objectives of 2016 are achieved, it'll break a new record in the development course of Weiye Holdings Ltd, realize a milestone breakthrough, and write a colorful chapter in its development history.

Reform unveils new atmosphere, objective motivates new team. At the end, all attendants stood up, raised right hands and took the oath, "for 2016 new objectives, please take confidence on us! We’ll bravely face the difficulty, maintain teamwork as one, live up to company’s expectation, and spare no efforts to realize operational objectives of Weiye Holdings Ltd in 2016!"

The meeting was concluded amid impassioned oath!

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