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Ministry of Land and Resources: Unified Real Estate Registration to Come in Nationally by the End of the Year

2016-06-25No. of Hits:1100Author:Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 24 (Correspondent Wang Libin) As a key year of unified real estate registration, the registration system is expected to come into effect in 2016, and all counties and cities are required to issue new certificates and stop issuing old ones by the end of the year.

 The correspondent was informed on 24 from MLR Immobile Property Registration Bureau that, implementation of real estate registration system has been included in the yearly special supervision parameter of General Office of the State Council, the Supervision Office is responsible for coordination, and implementation is to be organized by MLR. The findings of special supervision will be reported to the State Council and fed back to provincial people's government, the regions in slow progress in implementation of real estate registration system will be publicly announced or responsible officials be interviewed for accountability. To this end, MLR has developed Special Supervision Plan on the Establishment and Implementation of Unified Real Estate Registration System.

 According to the Plan, the purpose of supervision is to ensure all-out implementation of unified real estate registration system, and all counties and cities are required to issue new certificates and stop issuing old ones by the end of the year. The scope of supervision is all cities and countries in 31 provinces, prefectures and municipalities. The key points of supervision include progress and documentary circulation of real estate registration plan in various levels, effective execution of key supervision plan, documentary circulation in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, status of implementation of real estate registration system in cities and counties, construction status of key supervision organizations, handover of documents, and availability of financial supporting funds. July-September is local self-inspection phase, and October -December is supervisory action phase. The supervision group will focus on the supervision of provinces in low progress or encountering difficulty. Before January 10, 2017, the supervision group will come up with a list of regions of low efficiency or inaction and a list of recommended objects for accountability. Before January 15, 2017, report on special supervision findings will be formulated, submitted to the State Council and copied to provincial people's governments according to reporting procedures.

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