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Land Market in a Fever in the First Half, with 5 Developers Hitting ¥100 Billion Sales

2016-07-18No. of Hits:1119Author:www.xinhuanet.com

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, July 16 news release (Correspondent Zheng Juntian) "2016 Statistics on National Real Estate Development Investment and Sales from January to June" released by National Bureau of Statistics on July 15 indicated that, due to rebound of property market in the first half of year, real estate developers are more motivated in property development and investment, leading to land market in a fever. Thanks to the market heat, all property developers did a good job in the first half, of which 5 developers hit ¥100 billion sales.

Data indicated that, from January to June 2016, national investment in property development was ¥4.6631 trillion, equivalent to nominal year-on-year growth of 6.1%, and 0.9% slowdown than in January - May, including ¥3.1149 trillion investment in residential housing development, equivalent to 5.6% growth and 1.2% slowdown.

 Ding Zuyu, CEO of E-House China, introduced that, after experiencing slowdown of property development investment for 23 consecutive months, and driven by rapid reacceleration of leading indicators like new projects, land acquisition area etc., investment scale started to rebound from January, reached maximum 7.2% in April, and turned to decline from May to June.

 According to analytical finding of Yan Yuejin, CRO of E-House Research Institute Think Tank Center, that with optimistic sales performance in previous months, property developers are actively willing to acquire land, as a result, national property development investment is undergoing positive increase.

Meanwhile, data released by National Bureau of Statistics indicates that, from January to June, the area of land acquisition by property developers is up to 95.02 million , 3.0% year-on-year decrease; Land transaction price is ¥315.9 billion, equivalent to 10.2% growth and 5.5% growth rate. The phenomenon of "short land and high price" continues.


The data recently released by CRIC at "The 18th Press Conference of Real Estate Financial Situation" indicated increased volume and price of land transaction in real estate market in the first half of the year. In the second quarter, the amount of national commercial land transaction was ¥469.0 billion, a 104% year-on-year soar; 110 top bidders of total price and unit price was struck in the first half of the year, exceeding the number of 72 cases in the whole year of 2009, a new record of annual top bidders in land transaction.

Benefiting from the market heat in the first half of the year, all property developers did a good job. 2016 TOP100 Sellers of Property Developers in the First Half released by CRIC indicated that, the threshold for TOP 10 sellers is more than ¥50.0 billion, sales of Vanke ranking No. 1 is up to ¥190.0 billion; and threshold for TOP 50 sellers is up to ¥13.8 billion. Sales amount of TOP 5 sellers, namely, Vanke, Evergrande, Country Garden, Greenland and Poly hit ¥100.0 billion, in the same period in last year, however, only Vanke was included in the list.

 "For property market in the first half, the recognized core word is "hot", Yu Dandan, Senior Vice President of CRIC said, "But from market research, we find rational cooling of market heat."

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